Set Your Intentions

I think I can finally say Spring is here.

Thai Quinoa

This long, drawn-out dry spell since I posted last seems to be analogous to the cold weather that won’t seem to end.  I can hear birds through my window though, and I am looking forward.

With Spring comes change.  I saw a caterpillar today and it was furry. I am not talking about my legs since I have been shaving on a regular basis anticipating the nice weather.  I can’t stress how furry it was.  It was really furry. I saw new life!!!

Thai Quinoa

The weather is not the only thing that is changing.  I will be starting a new job next month.  New field, new city, new people and a new routine.  You all know how much I love change in my routine (NAT!) but I am actually excited and ready for the move.  The whole situation is so bitter sweet.  McMaster is {and always will be} my family.


I have also changed.  Only three months have passed this year and I have already achieved most of my New Year’s Resolutions.  I am eating beans and eggs on a regular basis, have protein at almost every meal and am almost strictly gluten free {among many other things}.  I go to yoga at least three times a week and am still flossing on the daily.  If you really want to compliment me you can call me a Yogi.  I play squash now?!  If I would have read that a month ago I would have laughed in my own face.  I don’t know what it is about squash but I have this strong desire to hate it.  When I played for the first time I thought I would absolutely suck at it and that alone would fuel my hate but I was actual not that bad…and I might even say I had fun and have become obsessed with the sport of squash.  To reduce my cognitive dissonance towards the sport I have started referring to it as squish.  Only after publicly asking the boy if he wanted to squish did I realize that I should never refer to it as that.

Nothing could prepare you for the next thing I am about to tell you…

I haven’t eaten Honey Nut Cheerios in one month. ONE MONTH. Remember like two months ago when I said I would never stop eating Cheerios?  It’s absolutely terrifying when your own thoughts lie to you.  Trust nobody and never say never.  And Justin Bieber can suck my toe for making me think of him when I hear the words “never say never”.  Leave me alone Justin Bieber. Watching you go through puberty was very uncomfortable for me for a lot of reasons.

One thing I have loved to love lately is green onions.  I definitely put that squish on everything {it will catch on…it’s so multipurpose I am brilliant}.

As soon as Jessica from How Sweet It Is posted this recipe for Thai Chicken Quinoa was I super inspired.

Thai Quinoa

So. Much. Green. Onion.

Everyone I fed it to (including myself) ran off to make it again.  It was the closest thing to a breath of fresh air I could get.


Click here for the recipe.  It will be the best thing you could do for yourself today.

Before I sign off I have two more things to share with you.

First, happy birthday to my beautiful and talented sister Jessica.  Jess,  this blog, among many many other things in my life would not be the same if it weren’t for you. I would be lost.

Second are the intentions for today:

“Live quietly in the moment and see the beauty of all before you.  The future will take care of itself…”

-Paramahansa Yogananda

Thai Quinoa

It is good to be back.



4 thoughts on “Set Your Intentions

    • Hi Aunt Irene! I will be starting a job training to do behavioural therapy in addition to doing psychometry (intelligence testing) a couple times a week. It is in Oakville which is only 20 minutes away from where I am living now which means for at least for the next year I will be staying in my apartment in Hamilton. Hope all is well with you guys! xo

  1. Glad Spring is there up in Canada (down here in Pennsylvania we sort of just skipped that step and went from cold to about 90 degrees yesterday). That meal does look quite tasty will be trying that at some point. And good luck with the new job.

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