
Welcome to Little Red Delicious!

My name is Deanna, aka Little Red! I am a compact 20-something-year-old redhead who dreams about worlds made of fruit and desserts!  I was inspired to start this blog after spending countless late nights stumbling the internet looking at food blogs.  My friends and family found this behaviour ironic, since I once was (and kinda still am) the pickiest eater in the world.  The more I started looking at food blogs and trying new recipes out myself, the more I started to believe that I too, could blog about my new experiences with food.

Growing up I had a limited menu to choose from.  My diet consisted of pasta with tomato sauce, grilled cheese sandwiches, pizza, Cheerio’s with milk, (and without), cucumbers, watermelon and apples.  No exaggeration.  I didn’t eat meat for the first 18 years of my life, and could count the number of vegetables I ate on one hand.  As I got older, my limited diet began to give me anxiety.  I learned how to accept the teasing from my family and disapproval from my Italian grandmother, but as I became more independent and social I found it uncomfortable to order at restaurants and almost unbearable to go to a friend’s house for dinner.  The more people pushed me to try new things, the more I resisted.

It wasn’t until I started living with roommates in university that I really started to learn how to cook.  Now lets make one thing clear: I always knew how to bake.  My grandmothers on both sides are amazing bakers. My mom is an amazing baker.  I could bake a million and one things even if I refused to eat most of them.  What I always liked about baking was how methodological it was to me.  Coming from a science and math background, the idea of following a step by step recipe reminded me of my labs, but less stressful and with a more delicious outcome.  Cooking on the other hand was always more abstract to me.

In the last year, my menu has skyrocketed and I have gone from eating ~80% carbs to ~80% fruits and vegetables.  The only relationship that hasn’t changed is my passionate relationship with cookies. I love cookies. Give me a cookie right now.

So, as 2012 started, I made it my New Years Resolution to start my own food blog.  I wanted an outlet to help me take my mind off of school and express my interests in more unique ways.  I love reading blogs and looking at photos, so I also wanted to improve on my writing and photography skills.  From this blog I hope to challenge myself to try new recipes and new foods.  I hope that one day I will be able to share my own recipes as well.

For now, I hope you enjoy following me down this path.



11 thoughts on “About

  1. Morning, when I was younger I was in the same boat being a pretty picky eater, over time tastebuds change and its quite amazing how many things that I did not like as a kid I eat now (sometimes excessively like my love and usage of different mushrooms). Can’t wait to check some of the recipes you have, and the best thing to do is to just try something…don’t think about it, just eat it, you’d be surprised 🙂

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